What qualities should a good fengshui master have?

WHAT ARE THE CHARACTERISTICS A GOOD MASTER SHOULD HAVE? Fengshui is a highly respectable profession and there are are unwritten rules for the conduct and behavior of the masters. This is a profession directly under Chinese Metaphysics and there are universal rules that govern it. One of the important points to remember is: A Fengshui … Continue reading What qualities should a good fengshui master have?

A discussion about China’s dragons

A DISCUSSION BASED ON THE SIZE OF MAJOR RIVERS ON THE ESTABLISHMENT OF CAPITAL CITIES AND THE RISE AND FALL OF CHINA’S ANCIENT DYNASTIES. 以河川長短論中國建都及朝代興衰 --- written by Master Guo Fen Ling (Taiwan) ---translation by Moon L. Chin (Malaysia) 摘要 ABSTRACT This article is a research on the effects of landform on the duration of … Continue reading A discussion about China’s dragons