SYNOPSIS OF SHENGJI (生机) COURSE. Fengshui, is a method to enhance the auspicious and avoid the inauspicious. The traditional phrase in Chinese about the function of Fengshui is -- Qu Ji Bi Xiong 趋吉避凶, that literally means to ‘enhance luck and avoid calamity’ In the field of Fenghsui, there are many ways to enhance luck … Continue reading Synopsis of ShengJi course
In Chinese Metaphysics, we use the Luni-Solar calendar system.
The Lunar calendar is based on the waxing and waning of the moon to denote date and time, and it has big months of 30 days and small months of 29 days. The total number of days in a Lunar year can be either 354 days or 355 days. The Solar calendar is based on … Continue reading In Chinese Metaphysics, we use the Luni-Solar calendar system.
ShengJi Live Burial Course update
I have already edited the course materials and added nine more pages of information. The newly edited version now has 169 pages, with added information about Landform. I had added more landform information in the section on Burial ShengJi part 1. The newly added information will help the student be more informed in landform knowledge. … Continue reading ShengJi Live Burial Course update
ShengJi Live Burial course This is an old course that I did many years back. It was a live class course and I did the course twice. It was quite successful, with about a total of a dozen students taking part. Now, there was some requests from foreign students who wish to learn this skill … Continue reading SHENGJI LIVE BURIAL COURSE
ShengJi – Live Burial course.
This is an old course that I did many years back. It was a live class course and I did the course twice. It was quite successful, with about a total of a dozen students taking part. Now, there was some requests from foreign students who wish yo learn this skill but are not able … Continue reading ShengJi – Live Burial course.
I wrote this article for my Thai students in the Secrets of BaGua Fengshui crash course....... Today, I shall discuss about planning your life. This topic was not in my original plans for day 3. However, I noticed, one world famous master was pushing very hard to sell his ‘life planning’ course to his followers. … Continue reading PLANNING YOUR LIFE
To begin this article, I wish to quote for Guo Pu, author of the Zang Shu (Book of Burial), who lived during the Jin Dynasty (circa 276—324 AD): 葬者,藏也,乘生气也。夫阴阳之气,噫而为风,升而为云,降而为雨,行乎地中,谓之生气。 To Bury is to Store; is to ride on Sheng Qi (Growth Qi or Lively Qi). Yin Yang Qi emits as wind, rises as clouds, descends … Continue reading ON SHENG QI AND YIN YANG QI
This article is not easy to write because the scope of facts surrounding this issue is very wide, encompassing YiJing philosophy to Culture and Tradition, to the spiritual aspect of Qi connected to Daoism. Fengshui, in a simple term is the ‘manipulation of Yin Yang Qi for the benefit of Man’. Qi, in general terms … Continue reading WHY WAS THERE NO FEMALE FENGSHUI MASTERS IN ANCIENT CHINA?
Black Hole
Black Hole Saw a post in FB just now and it was a news of some astronomers showing their pictures of a ‘black hole’ purportedly from the ‘Milky Way’. Do you see what I see?
an old post…….
Four Ren Yin 壬寅 – What is in it? 18 February 2022, Yin hour These few days there were many articles about this four Ren Yin pillars of year month day and hour. The technical terminology of this set of four pillars is called ‘Singular Heaven Qi天元一气’. Some ‘masters’ harped on a ‘special force’ or … Continue reading an old post…….